Ludhiana: The day of Remembrance : Mateshwari Jagadamba Saraswati


Ludhiana,Punjab: The Brahma Kumartis, observed the 59th Ascension Anniversary of respected Jagadamba Saraswati (lovingly called Mamma) with great dedication, love & respect.

On this occasion Rajyogini BK Laxmi didiji from Sonipat Retreat Center, shared elaborately about the life incidents, teachings and inspirations of Mateshwariji.

BK Saraswati, Sub Zone In-charge, Ludhiana showed light on the light of mother Jagdamba : It is the matter of pride to say that the extraordinary girl named Radha was born in Amritsar, Punjab in the year 1990, at the tender age of 16 she surrendered her life to Brahma Kumaris and inspired people of all walks of the society in keeping themselves away from vices, weaknesses and shortcomings.

Hundreds of Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris gathered together to pay homage to respected mateshwariji.

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