San Francisco, USA: Memorial Service for Sister Chandru & Other Service News


San Francisco, USA:

Service News from Brahma Kumaris, San Francisco, U.S.A. (May 2023)

One-Year anniversary memorial service (Shraddhanjali) for Sister Chandru

 May 28, 2023

A special memorial program was organized to honour the legacy of Sister Chandru’s dedication to world service and her love for God and the BK family.  

Many seniors joined in person and through zoom:  Mohini Didi, New York; Usha Didi, Mt. Abu; Sisters Denise, France; Gita, Los Angeles;  Hansa, Sacramento; Kusum, Milpitas; Kiran, Eugene Center; Brother Surya, Seattle.  As a part of the BK retreat, all the retreat participants and people from the interfaith community came to the program which made the gathering lively and meaningful. 

Special bhog was offered and tolis, blessing cards and gifts were given to all the participants at the end.

Usha Didi, Mt. Abu, shared her memories of her taking the 7-day course from Chandru ben.  Indu Mata, Usha Didi’s mother, also shared her memories of the initial days in Africa. Many BK mothers shared memories of Sister Chandru.    

May 6, Nurturing the Inner Child: Silence Day Retreat 

The participants joined the retreats in person in the middle of their busy city-life and they went into deeper levels of consciousness, connecting to the divine with the live harp music by Sister Kyoko.  They reflected the experiences by journaling, drawing from the visual exercise, and coloring.  One participant reflected by saying that she had an experience of connecting to the divine light.

The retreat was facilitated by sister Annie, sister Kyoko and brother Harsha. 

May 14, Mothers’ Day Celebration

On the Third Sunday, Mothers’ Day Celebration was held at the San Francisco Meditation Center.  

May 26 , Live Harp Music and MeditationSpecial guided meditation commentary was given by Sister Kiran Coyote from the BK Eugene Center, Oregon, USA with the live harp music.  

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