Ukraine: “Karma Yoga as a basis of Raja Yoga”, three days gathering of BKs at Sangam Retreat Centre


“Karma Yoga as a basis of Raja Yoga”, such a theme was selected for three days gathering of BKs at Sangam Retreat Centre (SRC), Mshanets village, Ukraine. Thirteen brothers and sisters from Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev and Vinnitsa actively joined to merge in the divine family atmosphere of cooperation, peace, love…

Three days stay was quite active with planned time-table which included meditation in the early morning hours, regular Murli class, love filled karma yoga for 4 to 5 hours, ruh-ruhan on deepening the understanding of relationship with One, spiritual drishti to each other, good night yoga. Of course “Brahmabhojan”. Presence of Baba and Mama along with Dadis and seniors was felt in every ones’ heart. Madhuban was merged in the eyes of every child of Baba.

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