Brest, Belarus: Unforgettable moments with the feeling “wah Baba wah! wah Dadi wah!!


Brest, Belarus: Angel Gulzar Dadi ji 33 years ago in Brest.Service News from Brest, Belarus:

How it began and where it is now
33 years passed since our most revered Gulzar Dadi ji stepped on the land of Belarus in the heroic land of our city of Brest. We the members of the Alokik family recall those sweet  

unforgettable moments with the feeling “wah Baba wah! wah Dadi wah!! wah our Didi wah!!, and wah our elevated fortune wah!!!Bro. Vijay joined us on the occasion of our 33rd anniversary to shine us with spiritual light and might. Bro. Vijay’s visit to Brest was a real gift for the whole Bramin family. We enjoyed his company.  We enjoyed the closeness to Baba, enjoyed Baba’s Knowledge that he shared, enjoyed the questions and answers session, enjoyed yoga practices, enjoyed the daily evening walks with him, of course enjoyed Brahmbhojan, daily drishti with toli. All this is beyond expression in words.

We played the game of how thorns change into flowers in one second. We wished each other manifest the best qualities, happy fortune, smiles, light and kindness… and it became a true and subtle gift to us from Baba on this special occasion. 

For us, Bro. Vijay arrived like an angel instilling in us inspiration and enthusiasm, ease and contentment. It was very important to meet those who had been students of the University, those souls who are in close contact and are cooperating with us. New comers too were benefited.
The main point which Bro. Vijay emphasized during any conversation was about the virtue of Purity. Yogi life is not dry and boring, instead, it’s a life of spiritual joy filled with pure feelings through which we become  magnet that attracts other souls to the Supreme Father. 

During the visit to Brest Fortress, Bro. Vijay had a meeting with Mrs. Galina Ivanova, Head of the Pioneer Organisation. While training the pioneers, Mrs Galina said ‘Be ready’ and pioneers replied in one voice ‘Always ready”. Staying next to her we remembered Baba’s teaching to always say “Han ji” to any service we are offered, that is be ever-ready. And only then we receive extra marks and blessings.

To the question how can we help our city, our country, and the whole world now – at this time of catastrophes, wars and violence, Bro. Vijay repeated the Shrimat – By being in soul consciousness and in the remembrance of the Supreme Father, each of us can become a source of peace and purity and quench the thirst of souls, children of the Father.

We remember the day when Bro. Vijay had to be given a send off, none of us wanted to let him go. We told him to come back soon, with our hearts filled with limitless love and gratitude.

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