Bhubaneswar: Flagging off of “Addiction Free Odisha” Campaign 2nd phase by Education Minister Shri Nityananad Gond


Bhubaneswar,Odisa: Flagging off of “Addiction Free Odisha” Campaign 2nd phase by Education Minister Shri Nityananad Gond at Unit 9, Bhubaneswar.
The event was attended by 200 guests, volunteers, and well-wishers. The Minister emphasized the importance of a addiction-free society and praised the initiatives taken by Brahma Kumaris in this regard.The campaign aims to create awareness about the ill effects of addiction and promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Chief Guest – Shri Nityanand Gond(Minister of Education,Social Security & Empowerment

Guest of Honour-Dr.Arabinda Dhali (Ex-Minister Transport Dept)

BK Geeta Didi-Keynote Speaker(Sub-zone Incharge unit9 Bhubaneswar)


BK Rajiv – Motivational Speaker

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