Myanmar: BK Sheilu Didi and BK Indra bahen (Madhuban) Visit to Myanmar


Myanmar: Sheilu Didi Madhuban and Indra Bahen arrived in Myanmar on 4th August, welcomed by Shakuntala Bahen, Sita Bahen and all BK family of Myanmar.

A lot of services were done during their one-week stay in Myanmar. Didis met the Ambassador of India (Mr Abhay Thakur )and his wife at India House and tied Rakhi to them. A VIP program was held at Yangon Centre, and many officers from the India Embassy including Mr Lalit Kumar(Second Secretary of the India Embassy), Dr.Ashish K. Kandhway (President of Swami Vivekanand Cultural Centre), Ms Roli Jain (Director of 4R Consultancy) and Mr Ravindra Jain (President of Global Organization Of Indian Origin) attended the program. Didi tied Rakhi to all the BK brothers and sisters in Yangon centre. A public program was held at Yangon India Centre.

Raksha Bandhan program was held at the Retreat Centre zeyawaddy.Rakhi was tied to around 350 BK brothers and sisters. A program was organized for all the Hindu priests, teachers and brothers. Didi gave a talk about Bharat Sanskriti and explained to them the significance of Raksha Bandhan and its spiritual secret and tied Rakhi to all of them. Didis left for Madhuban on 11th August. All the programs were completed

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