Ukraine: BK Overseas News from Ukraine


Ukraine: As all of you know, after more than 900 days of war, the situation remains tense in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular. Both large cities and small villages here are subjected to daily shelling and bombing. Electricity consumption is restricted now and then. In addition, the sounds of air raid sirens interrupt sleep at night though we all get up in time at Amrit Vela to go into Baba’s lap again.

However, during all this time, BKs and BK centres remain under the unbreakable canopy of God’s protection.

And our main focus now is on the on-line programmes, service with the mind, and personal spiritual efforts. In addition, we exchanged a lot with BKs in our region.

At the moment lokik people generally do not move much away from their homes. One fortunate soul is currently taking the introductory course at the Kyiv centre. Of course, some attend online courses in Spiritual Knowledge and Raja Yoga Meditation. Some attend other courses.

According to Trikaldarshi Baba’s plan, to our fortune, we have the oasis of peace and safety, the Sangam Retreat Center (SRC), located in Vinnytsia Region of Ukraine. Although construction work is still ongoing at SRC, BKs from different cities of Ukraine take turns coming to SRC to do service, experience solitude, enrich the soul and rest.

Happy to inform you that recently, a new automatic traffic control system was launched at the retreat centre. It operates in two buildings and also outdoors. Madhuban emerges in our hearts while listening to the beautiful traffic control songs.

Welcome to the rich harvest of fresh fruits ripening in the blossoming orchard at Baba’s SRC! Photos enclosed.

On 15th August, a programme of celebration of the 78th Anniversary of Independence was held at the residence of the Ambassador of India in the capital of Ukraine, to which representatives of the Brahma Kumaris were invited. During the event, an acquaintance with the newly appointed Ambassador of India to Ukraine, Mr. Ravi Shankar, took place.

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