St. Petersburg: Earth Day and Cosmonautics Day event -April 2023


A Flight to Open Space and Beyond:staying free from turbulence during turbulent times

Public event dedicated to Earth Day and Cosmonautics Day (International Day of Human Space Flight)
St. Petersburg, Russia

April, 2023The month of April brings about two special days that seem to be polar opposites. On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day that raises awareness of the need for environmental protection down here. And on April 12, 1961, a Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to go up there, into space. His 108-minute flight set a new horizon for humanity to rise up above the Earth’s gravity. However different these special days might seem, they are interconnected. And spirituality may become a subtle thread to get them together.A public event dedicated to both festivals took place at Lighthouse, Brahma Kumaris centre in St. Petersburg, with participation of prominent figures in the fields of aviation and space exploration.

Mr Oleg Mukhin, vice president of the Federation of Cosmonautics (Astronautics) of Russia, member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, addressed the audience by quoting the world’s second spaceman Gherman Titov: “All of us are astronauts. We are all flying the spacecraft named Earth.” He underlined that although the history of space flights has been a long one (more than 600 astronauts have gone into space during the last 65 years, about 120 of them from Russia), yet the interest in space exploration has not diminished. “It opens a new path for humanity, but we should walk this path together. All countries of the world should get united for that. We need to stop fighting and become friends for the sake of life in the Universe,” Mr Oleg Mukhin said.

Answering a question about qualifications that make pilots and astronauts successful in their mission, Ms Radmila Tonkovic (Serbia), a chief guest at the event, pilot, aviation journalist, editor and author, member of the Association of women pilots of Serbia, said, “Pilots cannot do anything alone, without a team of motivated doctors, engineers, technicians, etc. All team members are friends or even brothers. Without this brotherly attitude and team support, nothing is going to work. Secondly, when something happens up there, a pilot remembers either the Supreme or his / her mother! Who else can help at that time? God is the Ocean. God is limitless, like Space itself. Therefore we seek His support.”

Didi Santosh told the audience how in 1936 God, the Supreme Father, already gave a revelation about the three worlds and the Past, Present and Future of humanity. God reveals that love for the sky and stars that human beings have been experiencing originates from the soul’s memory of its eternal highest abode and of the time when the soul was absolutely pure. Purity and power of mind enabled souls of that original period, satyug, or the golden age, to use sophisticated physical vehicles called vimans to travel far and wide. In a sense, everyone of us was an astronaut at that time! In the course of time the souls lost their wings because of ignorance and vices. Now God is invoking us to restore our broken wings so that we can enjoy the golden era of humanity once again.

Didi suggested everyone in the audience should become a pilot or an astronaut there and then, for at least a few minutes. “Physical aircraft or spacecraft can be damaged or even destroyed due to technical or natural reasons. However, the soul is protected from any kind of turbulence. In a second it can go beyond all galaxies, to its original abode where the Supreme Soul resides.” Didi explained how the practice of raja yoga meditation is not a kind of escapism. “As we go up above in meditation, we are able to see the whole picture from there. When for a moment you disengage yourself from what you see as a situation or problem, it does not imply you are not interested in finding an appropriate solution. We are interested in the solution, but it will not come through worrying or quarreling, arguing or looking for the side that is guilty. Disengagement, or silence, meditation, allows us to tap into the energy of our pure feelings and use it so that the problem is solved.”

A felicitation ceremony took place for those who dedicated their life for the challenging task of aviation and space exploration.

A thought-provoking presentation “From Chaos to Order” reminded everyone that the Greek word “Cosmos” (Universe, Space) basically means “order”, or “harmony”. Understanding the laws of Cosmos / Universal Eternal Order enables us to see the Past, Present and Future. When Order comes, Peace comes.

The Art and Culture group decorated the event with heart-stirring songs and a short poetic and musical drama about the purpose of our life in this limitless World Drama of Space and Time. The artists even designed and created a small model of a golden-aged viman! All the special guests got a chance to sit in it and emerge the joy of the time when we could fly so easily with the power of our pure mind and heart.

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