दुबई : राजयोगिनी सिस्टर ज्योती को Women’s World Records से सन्मानित किया गया


राजयोगिनी सिस्टर ज्योती Women’s World Records से सन्मानित

दुबई : पिछले 50 सालों से मानवीय कल्याण के लिये पूरे विश्व में किये गये कार्य के लिये संयुक्त अरब आमिरात, ओमान तथा कतार के राजयोग सेंटर्स की संचालिका राजयोगिनी सिस्टर ज्योती को दुबई के राजयोग सेंटर पर ओम शांती मीडिया के संपादक बी के डॅा गंगाधर के हाथों सन्मानित किया गया. इस अवसर पर Women World Records के International Secretary बी के डॅा दीपक हरके, बी के ज्योतिका सहित दुबई के राजयोग सेंटर के सदस्य उपस्थित थे.

Unlimited and unconditional service to mankind is the hallmark of the life of Sr. Jyoti-the Director of the Raja Yoga Centers in UAE, Oman and Qatar.

Sr. Jyoti spiritual awakening in United Kingdom in the year 1974. Immediately, she dedicated her life to the spiritual service of humanity.

Sr. Jyoti served extensively in UK, Canada and USA between 1976 to 1984. In 1984, she came to Dubai, where she was to stay for the longest period of time and continues to serve the entire gulf region from here.

In the 49 years, she has travelled to over 50 countries, touching and transforming mankind across the globe.

Through the practice of meditation, Sr. Jyoti have inculcated peace, joy, happiness in life and she wishes others to have similar experiences. She has a heart for the spiritual development of seekers of meditation and firmly believes that by regular and constant attention to spiritual lifestyle, an individual will be able to gain mastery over one’s obstacles and enrich their lives.
Sr. Jyoti is a powerful motivator, skilled administrator and an able leader. She is a versatile speaker and all her talks are highly inspiring because they stem from her own experiences.

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