Vijaywada : Brahma So Vishnu cinema inauguration Vijayawada


Vijayawada  AP: “Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya reflects the pure and divine life style created by them. “Brahma So Vishnu” movie is showing in multiplex theaters in two Telugu states on July 20th and 21st, so today at 9.30 am Benzicircle Trend Set Mall is showing the movie under the direction of Brahmakumaris.  

The special program was started and inaugurated with Candle lighting by the chief guest of Vijayawada East Constituency MLA Gadde. Rammohan Rao,BK.Shanta Behn ji, Vijayawada Region In-charge,BK.Radha,BK.Ratna,BK.Veni,BK.Ramya,BK.Kanchan,BK.Sindhu,

BK Sirisha,BK.Nagaraju and all Brahma Kumaris participated in this program.

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