Myanmar: BK Charlie Bhai’s Visit to Myanmar


Myanmar(Burma): Charlie Bhai Ji met the BK family from Yangon. A public program was at the Yangon India Center in which many VIPs and Officers were present including Ashish Sharma (Deputy Chief Of Mission from India Embassy), Ye Min Aung (Managing director of Myanmar Agribusiness Public corporation), Lalit Kumar (Second Secretary HRD Embassy of India), Ashish Kandhway (President of Swami Vivekanand Cultural Centre), Kl kond Mrs Roli jain (Director of 4R Consultancy). Charlie Bhai Ji shared his profound insights on the Importance of Daily Meditation in Practical Life and its Benefits.

Charlie Bhai Ji was grandly welcomed in the Retreat Centre Phyu and met all the Brahmin family. There was a two-day Retreat of more than 200 brothers and sisters. Bhai Ji conducted meditation, classes on various topics and shared the treasures of his experiences.

On 11th January, Charlie Bhai Ji inaugurated Mandalay Centre and a very good program was organized in Mandalay Arya Samaj where Bhai Ji gave a talk on the power of positive thoughts. Bhai Saheb fulfilled all of us with deep knowledge and Baba’s love. Thank you Baba.

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