Bengaluru Gottigere : Maha Shiva Ratri Celebrations


Bengaluru ,Karnatak: Brahma Kumaris Academy for Divine Wisdom, Gottigere  celebrated MahaShivratri on 26th February 2025 with great spiritual splendor and heartfelt zeal. The celebration honored the divine glory of our Father, Shiv, with Bharatanatyam dance.
Shri. Basavaraja Shivalingappa Horatti, Hon’ble Chairman, Karnataka Legislative Council  and Prof. G R Naik, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Garden City University, Bengaluru were also present.  
Honourable Shri. Basavaraja Shivalingappa Horatti was the first Minister of Education, Karnataka to send all Government teachers for training through DSERT (Department of State Educational Research and Training) at Yog Bhavan, he also highlighted the need of moral and spiritual values in the education department to teachers and students. He also appreciated the services done by Brahma Kumaris in all fields.
Prof. G R Naik highlighted that connecting to the spiritual helps to be peace, calm, and strengthen our inner self.
The festivities culminated in a candle-lighting ceremony, the hoisting of Shiv Baba’s flag, receiving toli and blessings from Baba, and enjoying a delicious Brahma Bhojan.

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