Bengaluru Varadani Bhavan: World No Tobacco Day


Bengaluru,Karnatak : World  No Tobacco Day was celebrated at  Brahma  Kumaris , Varadani Bhavan. Lecturers and students  from  Kempegowda Institute of Nursing (KIN), Bengaluru  participated in the programme. The Programme was presided by Rajyogini Ambika Didi and the Chief Guest was Mrs Kathyayini  NB, M. Sc (N) , Principal Incharge.  There were special sessions by Rajyogini Ambika Didi and Sister Chaya on No Tobacco and Digital De-addiction.

Students performed cultural programs. A mime act was performed on the effects of tobacco addiction and also a presentation on the same subject. Also there was the pictorial exhibition of No Tobacco and Digital De-addiction.

More than 200 students and lecturers attended and benefited.  

World No Tobacco Day was celebrated  at the SW Railways by the Brahma Kumaris , Basavanagudi on 31.05.2024.

De-Addiction Campaign was conducted at Bangalore City Railway Station,  Bengaluru Div , SW Railways.

Activities :  Exhibition on the occasion of  World No Tobacco Day, Counselling by Homeo BK doctor for those who willingly wanted to become free from addiction,  and also homeo medicine were given free of cost.

The programme at the railway station started at 8:00 am and went on till 6:00 pm. More than 400 people benefited from the service.

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