Bangalore: IT Wing organised 3 Spiritual Awakening Events at Jakkur Retreat Center


Bangalore, Karnakata: Brahma Kumaris & Rajayoga Meditation done by Bk Radhika (Pavitra), Jakkur Retreat Centre। She explained about One’s Own Spiritual Identity & Connecting Our mind With the Source of all Powers,God Shiva.First Event : One day Event for Searce Software Company at Jakkur Retreat
Br. Bala Kishore facilitated a captivating Full day event at the tranquil Jakkur Retreat Center in Bangalore for the Esteemed “Searce Software” Company. Designed with a perfect blend of team bonding activities, reflection, and meditation , the event fostered a deep sense of understanding and collaboration among the participants. The Moments of Self Reflection and Mindfulness Meditation provided a transformative experience, empowering individuals with personal enrichment and growth. The event was met with immense enthusiasm, as participants revealed in the opportunity to connect, learn, and enjoy a truly memorable day of personal and professional development

Second Event for Bk Students Topic: Embracing Silence in Brahmin Life
Facilitator: Br. Bala Kishore
The event centered around spiritual practices and self-improvement, proved to be an insightful and enriching experience for all in attendance. The talks covered a wide range of topics, awakening a deeper understanding of spiritual principles and providing practical tips for incorporating them into daily life. One of the key topics discussed was the meaning of Real Silence. Effective tips and techniques were shared by Br. Bala to help understand Baba’s knowledge in a practical and right way through the application of the 4Es as filters:
1. Is my understanding of knowledge empowering?
2. Is my understanding of knowledge enriching me?
3. Are the knowledge points relevant to me and encouraging?
4. Does my churning way of knowledge increase my enthusiasm?
Attendees were encouraged to evaluate their actions and choices through these filters, enabling them to align their lives with Baba’s wisdom and guidance. Lastly, the session shed light on different ways to practice silence through the four subjects of Brahmins “GYDS”: Gyan (knowledge), Yog (meditation), Dharna (virtuous living), and Seva (selfless service)

Third Event For New Brothers & Sisters @ Jakkur Retreat 
Topic: Equation for Easy Life
Facilitator: Bro. Bala Kishore
The session, centered around the theme of ‘Equation for easy provided valuable insights and practical equations to enhance overall well being while improving attention and focus in various aspects of life. Participants were introduced to a range of easy equations, aimed at
fostering better relationships, increasing effectiveness, and achieving overall performance and well being. The valuable knowledge gained from this event can pave the way for a more balanced, fulfilling, and harmonious existence.”this event can pave the way for a more balanced, fulfilling, and harmonious existence.

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