Russia: Retreat on “Ecology and Spirituality”. Part 2


Russia: Retreat “Ecology and Spirituality” Part 2. Retreats on Lake Baikal, Russia have already become a good tradition. The Retreat “Ecology and Spirituality” was successfully held here once again. The participants gathered in the recreation camp in the beautiful village, located in the place where Angara River flows out of Lake Baikal to enjoy meditation, study and self-development. They also got acquainted with the surrounding nature, and had “Amritvela, the Hour of Nectar” meditation on the shore in the fresh air in deep silence.

Didi Sudha and Bro. Vijay became an invaluable gift for sharing of their unlimited wisdom. They conducted meditations, took care of the guests and more. Thanks to the Almighty who poured an endless rain of love and sweetness through the teachers.

The retreat was opened with the dance of the elements of nature: earth, water, air, ether, and fire. Looking at the dance, everyone was meditating and thinking about the matter that surrounds us and we do not even think that the matter is the elements of nature, we are in a relationship with each element, and each of them needs our care and love.

The 7-day program of the Retreat was rich: practical classes, seminars, teamwork, interactive meditations, and guitar songs around the campfire.  The elevated state of the souls was supported by the vibrations of God, senior teachers, and nature and also allowed each participant to understand that the consumer attitude to the elements of nature brings chaos and destruction, and friendly interaction allows us to create, to love and to give.

The sailing on Lake Baikal was unforgettable for all the guests. The Captain of the ship talked about the history of the region, about lake, and about the inner strength of the people who lived here.

During the retreat, we had several excursions. It was especially interesting to look at the Sun through a powerful telescope in the solar observatory. One participant shared the feeling that the color of the sun is golden red and looks like the World of Souls. The Baikal Astrophysical Observatory of the Institute of Solar Earth Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located on the shore of Lake Baikal.

BKs and the invited guests promised to meet again to devote a retreat to contemplate more and more on the self, to recognise more and more about the Beloved God the Father, and with the help of pure feelings, power and good wishes, help in  His task of creating the New World!

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