Brahmapur: On the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration at Shantikund Giri Road


Brahmapur,Orissa: On the auspicious occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration first of all guests offered hearty tributes to our Revered Sis BK Manju Didi ji, who played the lead role in women’s wing RERF, Brahmakumaris Mount Abu. Prof. Dr Sandhya Sree Panda Gayanacologyist, SUM3 Hospital, Sitalapalli, Prof. Dr. Madhumita Sahu, Professor of Annasthesiya Department, Bhabanipatna Medical College, chif guest Prof. Reena Rath, VC Khalikote University and Sis BK Mala Subzone incharge Brahmapur have inaugurated the program by lighting candles. All Guests has delivered the role of women in society. Atleast Sis BK Mala Didi present the Godly gift to all guests. 

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