China : Sister Sapna invited for Intercultural festival in Guangzhou


China : Intercultural Festival Organised by IDea Exchange (A famous platform in South China to spread new ideas from different fields)As China opens its borders for more exchanges after a long period of more than 3 years, a special event was organised by IDea Exchange team as “Intercultural Festival” after the Spring Festival. The participants included local Chinese nationals as well as Expats from various nationalities. Various experts from different fields were invited to share their ideas from different perspectives such as Economic, Financial, Business, Motivational… Among these BK Sister Sapna was invited to share her views on Spiritual perspective of Intercultural Exchanges. Sister Sapna gave a presentation on the theme “Decoding Global Culture- The Spiritual Dimension”. The session concluded with a Guided meditation commentary for the participants. We could feel a very different atmosphere during the last few minutes full of peaceful energy. it was well received by the participants there.

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