Bengaluru: International Mother’s Day Program 2024 at Kumara Park Centre


Bengaluru Karnaataka : On the occasion of International Mother’s Day. Kumara Park subzone celebrated and organised a public program with the topic “Mother – The First Teacher of Humankind” on Thursday, 9th May 2024.

Below are the program details:
Program: International Mother’s Day
Topic: Mother – The First Teacher of Humankind
Total participants attended: Around 50
Date: 9th May 2024, Thursday
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Brahma Kumaris
             Vishwa Parivartaka Bhawan
             #6, Govinda Rao Street
             Kumara Park West, Bengaluru – 560020

The program ran as below:
1. Stage co-ordinate was done by BK Pavithra (Center Incharge, Kammanahalli)
2. The program started with the invocation divine song by BK Geetha(Student, Kumara Park Center) in remembrance of Almighty God and Inaugurated with a lighting lamp from all the Guests and BK Sisters.
3. Kumari Ganika danced to the song “Meri Maa Ke Barabar Koi Nahi
4. BK Surendran took us all through the topic “Mother – The First Teacher of Humankind”.
5. All the guests shared their experiences and the significance of Mother.
6. BK Meenakshi(Surrender teacher, Kumara Park) took us all through meditation commentary to experience immense Peace and Bliss.
7. At last, all the guests were felicitated with mementos and with 1 minute of silence in God’s remembrance also prasad was distributed to all.

As per the below photo, from left to right details are as below:

  1. BK Pavitra ( Centre Incharge , Kammanahalli, Brahma Kumaris, Bengaluru)
  2. BK Surendarn (Regional Co-ordinator, Education Wing, RE&RF, Mt.Abu)
  3. Smt. Swarna (Incharge of Organisation, Mathrushree Manovikasa Kendra, Bengaluru)
  4. BK Saroja (Sub-zone Incharge, Kumara Park, Brahma Kumaris, Bengaluru)
  5. Dr. Kamini Kurpad (Orthopedic Surgeon, Bengaluru)
  6. Smt. Rukmini Krishnaswamy (Director – Technical Services, Spastics Society of Karnataka)

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