Mauritius: Sister Jayanti in Mauritius – 7 to 14 May 2024


Mauritius: The Visit of Sister Jayanti in Mauritius

7 to 14 May 2024

The Mauritian BK Family won a wonderful lottery through the visit of Sister Jayanti, World Ambassador of Beloved BaapDada.

The chronology of events of her visit is as follows:

Tuesday 7 May – Arrival and Welcome

Sister Jayanti visited Mauritius after 20 long years.  When she arrived at the airport in the early morning, she was warmly welcomed by the National Co-ordinating team. 

After one hour of her arrival, two TV interviews were scheduled at the Quatre Bornes Centre.  One of them was aired on the national television on the same day. 

During a reception programme organised in her honour on the same day, she met the BK family along with Sister Vedanti who was also in Mauritius as a resource person for the Call of The Time (COTT).  They both shared points of self-effort to boost up energy for the event.  

 Wednesday 8 to Sunday 12 May — COTT Retreat in Domaine de Grand Baie

Sister Jayanti conducted morning class with the BKs in Quatre-Bornes

She then met the African COTT core team at the new centre, close to the Venue of She COTT, Domaine de Grand Baie in the north. The opening ceremony took place in the evening with a musical interlude with Desert Rose, Bro Yusuf and Sister Lynne in the presence of all centre coordinator sisters. Former President of the country, Hon Cassam Uteem was the special guest of the day.  There was an attendance of around 40 participants from the African region including the core Team. The theme of the COTT Retreat was : “The state of the world, the state of our hearts”.  

 Sunday 12th May

Bk Gathering

On Sunday afternoon, there was a huge gathering of the BK family at the University of Mauritius auditorium Octave Wiehe, Reduit.  Didi Jayanti share subtle points to enhance our study for powerful yogi life…. Our sacred role as supports to  a world in dire need.  The Mauritian BK family seized this wonderful opportunity to celebrate the platinum jubilee of Sister Jayanti with a cake cutting ceremony amidst an angelic atmosphere leaving us a beautiful souvenir.

Monday 13th May

Courtesy Visits

After the morning class Sister Jayanti paid courtesy visits to

1 –   The President of Mauritius, His Excellency, Prithvirajsing Roopun

2 – The  High Commissioner of India, H.E, Mrs K. Nandini Singla.

Followed by a visit to the New Inner Space in Ebene, a new  business and professional area

Public Event – Conference on The State of the World, The State of our Hearts

In the evening, a fully packed audience awaited her at the IGCIC for the conference.on   “The State of the World, The State of our Hearts.  Enhanced by the aroma of sacred mantras from  Desert Rose of South Africa, Didi Janti delivered BaapDada’s message in her usual cool and melodious tone.  The Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, Hon. Mr Kavydass Ramano gave his presence for the event. This Programme was covered by the National television. Sis Pratibha from South Africa also gave a short TV interview on that Occasion.

Tuesday 14th May- Departure

Sister Jayanti conducted a last  morning class to Mauritian family.

She addressed 3 BK groups at the Academy for Integrated and Sustainable Development, Wooton, namely

·         the Bk supporting team

·         Centre residents

·         & the Centre Management Team.

We are indeed deeply thankful to our Angelic Didi Jayanti and most certainly our Beloved Bapdada .

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