Delhi-Kingsway Camp: Sukumar Sangathan – Theme ” Check, Change & Cheer”- A one-day Retreat for BK Kumars


Delhi: Youth Wing (R.E.R.F) & Brahma Kumaris, Kingsway Camp, organized “Sukumar Sangathan” a one-day retreat for BK Kumars on the 30th of June 2024, at Brahma Kumaris, Kingsway Camp, Delhi Centre. The theme of the retreat was “Check, Change & Cheer” The program began at 10 A.M. where all the BK Kumars who arrived from Delhi & Delhi NCR were welcomed by tilak and badges ( in which unique swamaan was printed on each badge). Then Avyakt Murli of Sunday was very well revised by BK Sadhna Didi, Centre In-Charge Kingsway Camp, Delhi. 

From 10:30 AM there was drishti yog where kumars sat in pairs and meditated giving powerful Dristi to each other by sitting on the seat of Self Respect (स्वमान) & in Baba’s remembrance. Soon after that, there was a beautiful guided meditation commentary of Panch Swaroop with visuals conducted by BK Tara Didi, Kingsway Camp Center. 

BK Pushpa Didi ji, Director, Karol Bagh was invited as Special Guest Speaker for the day. She conducted a powerful class on the theme of the retreat “Check, Change & Cheer”. Where she talked about the process of positive changes in the Brahman Life. Also, she shared her experiences with Didi Manmohini and Dadi Gulzar. Didi motivated the kumars to check themselves first and then change according to the requirements. Didi’s class ended with a beautiful guided meditation where everyone experienced themselves deeply immersed in Baba’s Love.

After the class of BK Pushpa Didi, the program reached its midway and it was the time for delicious Brahma Bhojan. All the attendees of the retreat had their lunch in remembrance of the almighty ShivBaba. Soon after the lunch break a workshop was conducted where the kumars were divided into different groups. The task was to discuss & note down the challenges that one faces in their journey of self-transformation. Later representatives from each group shared on behalf of the whole group members. 

The workshop was followed by a very insightful class by BK Anusuya Didi, Zonal Coordinator, Youth Wing, Delhi Zone on the topic “Parivartan ki Vidhi” where she talked about the major challenges that a BK Kumar faces and also gave accurate and easy solutions to them. She guided the kumars to rightly understand the knowledge of GOD and apply the same in life. The retreat continued with the panel discussion where the panelists BK Sadhna Didi, BK Ansuya Didi, and BK Rohit Bhai answered the queries of BK Kumars. All of them gave the answers with their real-life experiences. In the panel, BK Sadhna Didi was specially asked to share her experience with BK Jagdish Bhai Ji who was the first spokesperson of the Brahma Kumaris. 

The retreat concluded with the sharing of information about the forthcoming programs of the Youth Wing. In the end, all the attendees of the retreat were given blessing cards and Toli. The program ended with a group photo & Raas (Divine Dance). 

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