Mumbai: CISF officers participated in an enriching session led by BK Meena and BK Sheetal from the Brahma Kumaris


Mumbai -Airoli, Maharastra: CISF officers participated in an enriching session led by Sister Meena and Sister Sheetal from the Brahma Kumaris. The event combined a profound lecture with a calming meditation practice, designed to support the officers in managing stress and fostering inner strength.

The session began with Sister Meena delivering an insightful lecture on “Cultivating Inner Strength in High-Stress Environments.” Drawing on principles from the Brahma Kumaris, she shared effective strategies for stress management and enhancing mental clarity, tailored specifically for high-pressure situations faced by the officers.

Following the lecture, Sister Meena emphasized the crucial role of meditation in achieving emotional balance and resilience. She explained how meditation, a core practice of the Brahma Kumaris, serves as a powerful tool for managing stress and improving overall well-being. She then guided the officers through a soothing meditation session, which incorporated deep Positive Thoughts and visualization techniques to help them attain relaxation and mental focus.

To conclude the session, Sister Sheetal shared an inspiring story from the Brahma Kumaris’ teachings that illustrated the transformative power of inner peace and resilience. Her narrative deeply resonated with the officers, reinforcing the value of meditation and mindfulness practices discussed earlier.

Head Officer Lakshmikant Shinde wrapped up the event with a heartfelt vote of thanks. He expressed deep appreciation for the Brahma Kumaris’ valuable insights and practical tools, acknowledging their significant positive impact on both the officers’ professional performance and personal well-being. The session left a lasting impression, providing the officers with new strategies for managing stress and cultivating inner calm.

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